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The Unfolding Engine : Paint a Game
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Mesh Animations thoughts on that and, Making a Doll
December 29, 2023
Meshes can now be animated Placed down meshes can be assigned an animation When moving from one cell to another if the player is stuck within a cell they will teleport to the outside of the static fre...
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Mesh Placer + New Inventory Style
October 27, 2023
#unfolding engine
with Added in the Mesh bone creator which later on will be a skeletal animator. Going to be working on this full time, will be making a game I'll pitch to publishers later on. changed inventory to a d...
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Unfolding Optimisation
July 14, 2023
#unfolding, #engine
Video has stuff that's upcoming Unfolding Engine: I've made it more optimized and intuitive. It's a pleasure to see how this enhancement affects the game. Performance Boost: A serious leap forward! Th...
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New Weapon Previewer system and more!
February 26, 2023
#engine, #gamemaker, #unfolding
Hello, Barchboi here As always, the idea of Unfolding Engine is to find new ways of making it easier for the ordinary gamer to express the games they want to make no matter the skill level. Working ou...
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Resizeable Windowed Mode, Realtime Text Inputs Update
November 02, 2022
#unfolding, #engine, #gamemaker
Sorry for the wait everyone. I've been working hard on the new features. One popular request was the windowed mode feature that allows you the resize Unfolding in windowed mode. This feature is immedi...
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Scripting Language Nodes, 200% Gui Size increase, Item manipulation now in place
January 20, 2022
#software, #unfoldingengine
- Having items that are too heavy for the player now causes the player to become more and more encumbered - Items now can use dialogues and be right clicked - Item quantities can now be split by holdi...
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Incremental & Crafting Build
July 26, 2021
- Cell Loader now has static stress on it - Moved lights to the weather tab - Added a Alt + Zoom key to allow toedit the entire scene at once water now has more features such as the ability to customi...
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Dynamic Actions update, you can now create scripted events
June 01, 2021
Dynamic Actions - Added dynamic actions that allows you to set immersive reactive effects to the statics - Added conditions to the dynamic actions that trigger how they trigger Menubar and Gui - Added...
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The Rotating Statics Update + More Stable Build
May 09, 2021
------------------- Main feature is now you can add extra properties in your game by middle clicking a static in the static brush mode. After you place down a static middle click the static and you sh...
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Manual + Project management additions
April 28, 2021
Unfolding finally has a manual inside of it. If you click help in the menubar you will now get a link taking you to the current build of the manual. This is the first draft so I have done the areas pe...
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Unfolding Engine : Now can produce standalone games
March 31, 2021
#devlog, #unfolding engine, #fantasy console
Unfolding Engine Update You can now export your games to standalone. In the brushes tabs on the far right you will have the option to export your games module to third party websites such as o...
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Upcoming Features: Export Standalone Game + Alpha to Beta
February 08, 2021
Hello, proud to announce with the upcoming update the Unfolding Engine will becoming out of alpha version and into beta. For many people the words alpha and beta are just stages of development, but fo...
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Build 543
February 07, 2019
+ you can now upload invidiual files. Allowing for those who modified the source files in the module folder to upload their asset flips. This allows for characters to be uploaded like big chungus. + F...
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Unfolding Engine 395
December 21, 2018
[h1]Sharing Update![/h1] + Better launch menu includes the title art, cover music when loading modules. + Fixed error due to windows for the Resource brush and the Crafting windows would crash if cert...
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Unfolding Engine 375
December 15, 2018
Build375 is now up Steam Link: Link: + Roll animation by Shawna is now in place. To activate it jump to the max height then hold the down key. This will trigger a roll if the falling is fast e...
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