Unfolding Engine 375

Build375 is now up

Steam Link: <https: store.steampowered.com="" app="" 884350="" the_unfolding_engine_paint_a_game=""></https:>
Itch.io Link: <https: barch.itch.io="" unfolding=""></https:>

+ Roll animation by Shawna is now in place. To activate it jump to the max height then hold the down key. This will trigger a roll if the falling is fast enough.
+ Better Module Creation has been added in, also allowing for packs to be used.
+ Asset Packs placed in (\UnfoldingEngine\systemresources\assetpacks) will appear in the Module Creation.
+ Module Loader has been added
+ GamePad controls and bindings have been added in, GamePad will eventually be able to create use mouse controls soon.
+ Fixed error with Demo world having a teleport to the ground 
- Load Save game has been removed


UnfoldingEngine375.zip 504 MB
Dec 15, 2018

Get The Unfolding Engine : Paint a Game

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